Title: Freelance Writer
Bio: Corinna Underwood is uprooted from the UK and transplanted in the USA. She has been writing about health and wellness for twenty years. She also writes mystery novels.
If you need hearing aids, EPIC Hearing Healthcare may be an option you’ve considered. We’ll review EPIC’s service and present an alternative.
Amplifon can assist you when you need hearing aids. We’ll review what it offers, its pros and cons, and the best hearing aid alternative.
Sleeping too late because you can’t hear your alarm? Try a bed shaker alarm clock. This comparison will help you pick the right one for you.
Think you may be experiencing hearing loss? You can try a hearing test app on your smartphone. We’ll review eight of the most popular apps.
TV Ears might be the solution if you have trouble hearing the TV. Read on to learn about TV Ears and some alternative assistive devices.
Thumping in your ears can be frustrating, but it also might be a signal of an underlying condition. Read on for common causes and treatments.
Water can get in your ears from swimming or bathing. Read on to learn how to get water out of your ears and what you can do to prevent it.
Ear irrigation can resolve earwax buildup. We’ll explain what to expect from a professional ear irrigation and how to perform one at home.
Is hearing loss a disability? We’ll explain which SSA disability benefits are available, the criteria for eligibility, and how to apply.
FreeHearingTest.org exists to help the 48 million Americans who suffer some level of hearing loss. Our free phone hearing screening test helps people understand their potential level of hearing loss. We provide helpful tools and advice so people with hearing loss can live fuller, richer lives.
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