FirstMedicare Direct SmartHMO (HMO)
plan information last updated December 22, 2023
Company: FirstMedicare Direct
Plan enrollment: 420
Total monthly premium: $0
Max annual payment: No Maximum Payment
Plan link on Plan on
Plan website:
Plan member phone number: 844-499-5630
Plan prospect phone number: 877-749-3356
OTC Supplemental Benefits (OTC Catalog May Include OTC Hearing Aids)
Supplemental OTC Benefit Amount Per Period: $75.00
Benefit Amount is Every: Every three months
Can The Benefit Rollover Periods? No
Total Annual OTC Supplmental Benefit: $300.00
Plans may not include hearing aids in their eligible OTC supplemental items. Please call the plan to verify if they include hearing aids in their OTC supplement catalog.
Prescription Hearing Aid Coverage
Does plan cover hearing aids?: No hearing benefits
See If Your Hearing Loss Qualifies For No-Cost Hearing Aids
We recommend taking MDHearing's free online hearing test. The test takes 5 minutes, and includes a no-cost telemedicine consultation with a licensed hearing professional from MDHearing
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